by | Jul 28, 2020 | DAD LIBS

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Wait… What? Did anyone else catch that? The Pentagon finally just admitted in April what many people have been believing for years.  That UFOs are real and the funny thing is no one seems to care.


And it basically went right over everyone’s head.


Which makes me wonder is it because they admitted to that but didn’t say and so do aliens?


Maybe I’m putting too much thought into this because as you can see this totally made me write an inprontu article on UFOs. 

UFOs Are Real?

Is it that it is just too hard to believe for some that this is true?


Or is it the fact that the Covid-19, riots and everything else has everyone distracted?


Either way, call this dad intuition or even color me a skeptic but “I ain’t buying it“.


Something just doesn’t sit right and so I question the authenticity of it.



Why now?

It just seems a little too convenient, too obvious, and too ironic that they mention it now.


I’m not saying that they do or do not exist and from the footage it appears like they do.


However, I will wait until I get confirmation from a few different more sources with different photo or video images than the ones that keep pushing.


Besides, it’s only in America that where this narrative is being pushed. 


Sorry but I don’t believe UFOs exist and the only place they decided to leave evidence is in America. 


On top of that in the year 2020, America has seen a pandemic, people burning down cities, and a push that there is racial inequality in America (like there was back during slavery). 


All as we were on lockdowns and on the verge of the biggest “recession” in history. 


Sounds like the plot of a Science Fiction novel to me.    


UFOs Are Real

So why are they bringing it back up and this time saying that the parts of the ship are not OF this WORLD.


This is the reason why I’m skeptical.

Here are a few more questions I have: 

  • Why did they wait all of these years to start telling us about UFO’s?
  • Why didn’t they mention that the parts were not of this world when they first mentioned it in March when they originally confirmed UFOs were real?
  • Why did they originally try to cover up the same video from several years ago? 



If UFOs have been such a secret for so long why all of a sudden does the secret not need to be a secret anymore?

In my opinion the fact that this was nothing more than just a blip on the newsworthy radar when the Pentagon itself confirmed it was just to test the waters.  

Another omitted piece of evidence if these so called UFOs from other worlds exist who or what is driving it?


E.T.? Chewbacca? Marvin Martian? Rocket or perhaps Groot?


Complete silence…


Don’t be surprised the closer we get to the election that we start hearing about alien life forms.


I’m just saying at this point expect what use to be the unexpected as the expected.



If you made it this far, I can only assume your level of skepticism about this UFO thing is pretty close to mine.


And you wonder why now too?


We will soon find out.


In the meantime, maybe it’s time to visit your favorite Star Wars, Star Trek or other space memoribilia stores and grab a Lightsaber, Phaser Rifle or the series 4 De-Anomizer (Men In Black) basically any alien busting weapon you can find.


You may even want to buy some foil (for a tin foil hat) or Magneto’s (X-Men) helmet just in case they are telepathic and can read your thoughts!


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I’m Brandon, the Founder and Divorced Dad behind this blog. This blog is about being a divorced single dad. I’m here to help bring tips and laughs about parenting and divorce.

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