2 Questions To Ask When You Are Full Of Resentment

by | Mar 26, 2020 | DIVORCE, INFIDELITY

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Just what is resentment?  It can also be known as bitterness or a deep-down feeling of disgust towards someone that you feel has treated you unfairly. What are 2 questions to ask when you are full of resentment?

  • How does resentment affect us?
  • Why should we resolve resentment? 

A huge concern of resentment is its pathway to hatred if not dealt with properly. 


Have you ever wondered why you have a deep-seated feeling of grrr toward someone?  That’s right grrr! Because you can’t quite explain the word that fits quite fits your emotion.  All you know is that you deep down just don’t like or care for a person. 

How they dress, how they comb their hair, how they blink, maybe even how they breathe. 


Many people that have been burned in a relationship feel me.  Every time you see your ex you just can’t stand the sight. Even when they call you before you answer the phone your eyes roll. 


Come on raise your hand if you have done this!!

This can all be signs of holding resentment towards someone.


How Does Resentment Affect Us?

  1. Anger – less tolerant quick to get angry.
  2. Negativity – become very pessimistic and always expect bad things in life.  
  3. Health – holding onto resentment can lead to several health issues including but not limited to headaches, trouble sleeping, and can affect mental health. 

Why Should We Resolve Resentment?

The longer we allow resentment to stay in our lives, the more bitterness we allow spreading throughout different phases of our lives. 

Consequently, fewer people will want to be around us.  


Remember that one bitter person you know and how no one wants to be around them? 


DON’T become that person!

Simple Ways To Deal With Resentment

To overcome resentment you have to forgive.  Here are a few simple things you do can to learn how to forgive.



Learning to deal with resentment is important. It’s most important for us the ones that are feeling the resentment.  As well as for our family and loved ones closest around us.  As you can see it can have many negative impacts on our life.  


It can turn the most positive person into the most negative.


If you are struggling with resentment, your divorce, or a spouse’s or ex-spouse’s infidelity sign up for our free Overcomers Guide.

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I’m Brandon, the Founder and Divorced Dad behind this blog. This blog is about being a divorced single dad. I’m here to help bring tips and laughs about parenting and divorce.

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